• The mission of Lex Moss Shop is to help individuals develop a healthy lifestyle and reach their health and fitness goals! We meet our customers where they are and encourage them to develop healthy habits that will lead to long-term lifestyle changes.

    Sometimes reaching our health and fitness goals can seem overwhelming, but it’s important that we start small and set realistic goals for ourselves.

    We offer 100% Organic Wildcrafted sea moss which means our raw sea moss is naturally grown in Saint Lucia and is neither farm nor pool grown. Our sea moss is free from chemicals and pesticides and rich in vitamins and minerals from its natural environment.

    Our products are designed to fuel your body with all the vitamins and nutrients you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Regardless of the current or past health challenges you are experiencing, adding sea moss to your lifestyle regimen is a game changer.

    Thank you for trusting us to provide all your sea moss needs!